The world has been shocked by the devastating havoc caused by the Corona Virus Pandemic. This cruel ravaging disease does not discriminate. It does not matter if the nation is called a superpower or a third world nation. COVID 19 has not asked if the country is developed or developing, or if the climate is hot or cold. The categorization, tags, barriers, and stigmas that have divided humanity are all alien to this killer disease.
For once, the world has come together in one accord, from Abuja to Kinshasha, from London to Berlin, from Washington DC to Buenos Aires, from Riyadh to Moscow, from Seoul to Hanoi, the resolve is one - to fight this virus. The race for a vaccine is being run from every track available. From the high tech labs in Switzerland to the herbal farms in Madagascar, the intention is uniform, the memo is unambiguous. Find a cure for this plague.
We at VCI join our voice and salute the gallant front liners in this battle against an invisible enemy that has defied the mastery of military might. God bless the doctors, nurses, aides, first responders, techs, and everyone involved in this fight. We also salute governments that have boldly come out with remedial policies and stimulus packages to help families and businesses. This is not a time to play politics. Unlike electoral polls, the numbers associated with this plague do not lie. This is not a time to give in to greed and self. Human lives are at stake.
Our heart also goes out to families that have lost loved ones and businesses that have been negatively impacted. We all need to be strong and stay safe. Remember, we shall overcome.
Victor Yisa.